School Lunch Menu
City Catering Southampton is committed to providing a nutritious and safe meal for your child, so that they are happy, healthy, and enjoy their school lunch.
For further detail including menus please follow the link below.
If your child has a food allergy, please register your request for an “adjusted menu” with the school office, and we will provide allergy-appropriate meals for them wherever possible. You’ll need to provide a formal note of the allergy from your medical professional, so that we can ensure we fully understand what’s required for your child.
Free School Meals
If your circumstances have changed, it may be worth checking if you qualify for Free School Meals. A child is eligible for free school meals if their parent or carer receives certain benefits.
Even if your child prefers to have a packed lunch, being eligible means that the school receives additional funding. It's really easy to check, you just need to know your National Insurance number and a few other personal details. You can check whether you are eligible here: