On-line safety
Online Safety Vision
At Banister our aim is for online safety to second nature and to be evident across the whole curriculum, tackled through all curriculum areas when relevant, as a means of incidental conversation as well as in response to planned teaching or response to incidents that may have occurred within or outside of school on a local/national/global level. Online safety displays will be in each class, which is age appropriate and relevant to any issues/incidents that may occur, referencing the agreed appropriate vocabulary. Our children will be positive, knowledgeable users online, know and follow set rules, have open conversations in school and at home about their online presence, and know where and who they can go to in times of concern about online content, both in and out of school. Technology continually evolves and it is important that we keep our knowledge of any changes, new apps and games as well as new trends up to date to enable us to support our children as they move through the school and then on into secondary education, so there will be many opportunities for Continuing Professional Development and the need at times for spontaneous planning to address new/upcoming needs and content.